Misdemeanor Crimes – If you commit a crime in the United States, you are charged with a felony or a misdemeanor. Depending on the misdemeanor crime, which varies somewhat among the states; you can be fined, spend up to a year in jail, be put on probation, or given community service. A felony can sometimes be reduced to a misdemeanor and misdemeanor can, under some circumstances, be raised to a felony.
Misdemeanors are usually grouped into class 1 through 3, with the highest number indicating the most serious offense. Punishment for the lowest is usually a small fine. Some misdemeanors do not qualify for any class and are known as “minor.” In such cases, the judge usually decides the punishment. For other misdemeanors, punishment is usually:
* Class 1: jail sentence up to 6 months, fines up to $2,500
* Class 2: jail sentence up to 4 months, fines up to $1,200
* Class 3: jail sentence up to 1 months, fines up to $750
Classifications for these crimes vary widely among the states. These are the types of crimes that are usually charged as misdemeanors:
Assault – This is a physical attack on a person that does not involve a gun or cause serious damage. Simple assault can be charged for threats again another or punching someone. Domestic violence involves an attack on a member of the household, although not necessarily related.
Harassment – This is an action that causes fear in another person, such as
* Crimes that threaten the safety of others, such as disorderly conduct, DUI
(driving under the influence), and prostitution.
* Crimes against another’s property such as trespass, vandalism, and theft.
If you become involved in any way with a possible misdemeanor charge in the Phoenix metropolitan area, call Carlos Brown Law today. We serve people in Tempe, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Chandler, Mesa, Glendale, and Peoria. We are well experienced with the workings of Municipal Courts and Justice Court. Contact us today and let us help.